NYORC is a volunteer run, non-fee based, diverse network of individuals, community groups, agencies, businesses, and organizations, coming together to help everyone connect to the public lands and natural resources in New York while ensuring we protect those resources and create welcoming spaces that encourage and enable all, specifically historically marginalized and underrepresented communities, to have access and enjoy.
Member Benefits
Information Sharing
Through monthly NYORC Member meetings, and participation in working groups, members are connected to the latest outdoor industry news directly from the source; our agency partners, user groups and business members.
Take Action
Grounded in our guiding principals, we will use our collective voice to actively work for responsible, equitable and just access to the outdoors for all .
The coalition reflects the diverse makeup of New York with intention to raise the voices of historically marginalized populations. Current NYORC members represent the following sectors: outdoor recreation groups, conservation, sportsmen/women, anglers, environmental education, outdoor recreation industry partners, lands stewardship, agriculture and ranching, and government.
This is where the work happens. NYORC members can propose and run working groups that align directly with NYORC Guiding Principals. During workgroup meetings, clear mission and objectives are outlined, along with action items for Coalition members.
Checkout our current workgroups >>
Checkout our current workgroups >>
Our diverse and expansive collection of members provide a unique and important medium for connection and networking across the state. We help facilitate connections by bringing people together to collaborate and share experiences.
Membership Eligibility
Membership shall be open to any recognized outdoor recreation orientated organization and institution incorporated in the state of New York; or any organization or institution with a stated interest in New York’s outdoor recreation.
Membership shall also be open to any individual not formally representing an organization and institution as stated above, so long as the individual’s interests are in alignment with the purposes and guiding principles of NYORC
Membership shall be conferred upon application and on compliance with the standards and requirements set forth herein.
Membership Types
General Member A
Open to any eligible organization or institution that believes in, actively supports, and participates in the purposes and all guiding principles of NYORC and whose primary purpose, as expressed in their mission statement, is to facilitate and or advocate for equity in the outdoors for underrepresented communities. General Member A members are able to vote and hold a governing position.
General Member B
Open to any eligible organization or institution that believes in, actively supports, and participates in the purposes and all guiding principles of NYORC. General Member B members are able to vote and hold a governing position.
Affiliate Member
Open to any eligible individual, organization, or institution that respects and acknowledges the purposes and guiding principles of NYORC. Affiliate membership is a non-voting; non-governing membership group; able to benefit from the network; able to benefit and contribute to information sharing, working groups, and the networking; is not included as a signatory on any positions, recommendations, or actions of the coalition unless they specifically request to be included.